Bowling column for Tuesday, November 12, 2019
By: Bette Addington
–Motive Test Drive Demo Day – This Saturday, Nov. 16, Mt. Mesa Lanes, Lake Isabella
Ever want to see what a Motiv ball can do for your game? This Saturday is your chance. Take the drive up to Mt. Mesa Lanes in Lake Isabella anytime between 12 noon and 5pm. Gabby Mayfield will be there to assist and answer your questions. She said she will have “the new, not released yet, Motiv Tank Blitz and Supra that come out on the 25th.” She will also have “the Forge Fire, Rogue Assassin and the Ripcord for the Demo.” Cost is $20 and gets you a Motiv t-shirt and a discount on a ball if you order one! Don’t let this chance get by you!
–Central Valley Masters Trios Tournament – This Sunday, Nov. 17, AMF Southwest Lanes
Get your trios teams together and come bowl this local event. Team entry is $135 and teams will bowl 4 games across 8 lanes and this is a Beat the Board event. Squad times are at 9am or 1pm. Side pots and Brackets available. This is a handicapped tournament (80% of 220) and payout is 1 in 6 teams. For more info, go to
–GEUSBC BVL In-League & Roll-Off Tournament Postponed
The 2019 GEUSBC Marge Langdon BVL Tournament originally scheduled for Sat., November 16th has been postponed. Since this tournament was postponed, the BVL In-League Tournament is being postponed as well. Tentatively, both events will take place in December. More information will be out as soon as the date for the tournament is set. Check the Golden Empire USBC website ( or like them on Facebook “Golden Empire USBC” for updated information.
When the tournament date is set, the two weeks prior to it, be ready to be visited on your lanes when you bowl league for the BVL (Bowlers to Veterans Link) In-League Tournament. You can use your scores bowled that day or night in league to enter the 2019 GEUSBC BVL Tournament. The In-League Tournament is cheaper ($15) than the BVL Tournament ($30). Both options are open to league bowlers and you can enter as many times as you wish.
The BVL Tournament (both In-League and Tournament) are different as not only do you bowl in divisions based on your book but men bowl against men, women against women and the youth have their divisions and boys are against boys and girls against girls. If you don’t have a book average then your current average (with 21 games or more) will be used. Divisions are as follows for the adults:
Men: 191 & Over – Classic; 170-190 – A; 151-169 – B; 131-150 – C; 130 & under – D.
Women: 181 & Over – Classic; 166-180 – A; 151-165 – B; 136-150 – C; 121-135 – D; 120 & under – E.
Winners of each division will represent GEUSBC and bowl in the 2020 Helen Duval BVL State Classic Tournament on Sat., March 28th at Rancho Bowl in Santa Maria.
Also at the end of the In-League BVL Tournament, leagues that voted at the beginning of this season to go 100% for BVL and are donating $1, $2 or $5 per bowler, this money needs to be collected by the GEUSBC Director visiting your lanes to run the In-League Tournament.
California has been the top state for BVL contributions the last several years thanks to your donations. Today there are 3.9 million disabled vets who have come back from battle with physical and emotional disabilities and many of these men and women suffer from PTSD and need the recreational services BVL provides to help them better cope with this frightening disorder. The Veteran’s Clinic here in Bakersfield on Westwind benefits from our donations to BVL. For further information about BVL, go to
–USBC Membership Cards Coming to your Mailbox
Be on the lookout if you haven’t already received your 2019-20 USBC Membership Card from USBC in your mail. Cards are mailed to the address that was on the form in the league you paid for your card with. If you haven’t received your card by the end of this month, check with your league secretary to find out when your league’s cards were processed.
–Local Bowling Centers
– What’s Up at The BLVD! – 3200 Buck Owens Blvd.,, 661/873-4477
Military Service (Active, Reserve, Retired, Law Enforcement, Fire & First Responders) get 15% off Food, Soft Beverages, Bowling, Laser Tag, Ropes Course & Arcade Play Every Day!
Live Music on the Patio – Every Friday from 6pm-8pm – FREE!
Sign Up for The BLVD!’s E Club, connect with them to get exclusive offers & updates. Join via their free WiFi or fill out a card today! (Like & follow @BLVDBAKERSFIELD.)
Monday-Thursday (Open-Close) $4.25/Game, per person
Friday (Open-5pm) $4.25/Game, per person
Friday (5pm-Close) $42/Hour, per lane*
Weekends (Open-Close) $42/Hour, per lane*
Shoes – $4/person—Socks – $2.50/pair
*Up to (6) people per lane
– AMF Southwest Lanes – 3610 Wible Road – 661/834-2695
Fall Leagues are underway. Drop by and see where there are openings.
Monday nights/6pm – Monday Ladies (formerly Tues. Ladies Handicap), started Sept. 9th. Openings for individuals or teams of four
Saturdays at 12 noon – Saturday Juniors youth league, started Sept. 7th.
– AMF Westchester Lanes – 1819 30th Street – 661/324-4966
– West Side Lanes – 500 Cascade Place, Bldg. D, Taft – 661/763-4246 or 765-6677
–Coffee Club Tee’s
Be the first on your pair of lanes to sport a new t-shirt designed by Coffee Club alumni Danielle Looney! Cost is just $20 each (or $25 if you want your name added) and they come in an array of colors. Personal message Danielle Looney on Facebook if you are interested.
–Weekly Super Scores
– Congratulations to Aris Anadilla who waited until he traveled out of town to bowl a 300 competing in the 50th annual Cal State Senior Open Championships held up in Modesto. Anadilla bowled the third weekend (Nov. 2-3).
– Congratulations to Chuck Grove for bowling a 300 game on Tues., Oct. 29th, bowling in the Central Valley Masters Classic league at The BLVD! No stranger to perfectos, Grove’s last one was two years ago that he bowled in the Stockdale Open league at AMF Southwest Lanes.
– Congratulations to GEUSBC Past President Ray Neubig for coming oh-so-close to a 300 on Tues., Oct. 29th, bowling in the Mexican-American Trios league at AMF Southwest Lanes and settling for a 299. What else, a 10-pin!
– And, great bowling by Sam Junyor, who bowled a 289 game on Wed., Oct. 23rd bowling in the Gamblers Anonymous league at AMF Southwest Lanes. He left a 2 pin in the 10th.
Wed., Nov. 13: Golden Empire USBC Board Meeting, 6:15pm, AMF Southwest Lanes
Sat., Nov. 16: Motive Test Drive Demo Day, 12 noon-5pm, Mt. Mesa Lanes, Lake Isabella, 760/379-3131
Sat., Nov. 16: GEUSBC 2019 Marge Langdon BVL Tournament, AMF Southwest Lanes–POSTPONED
Sun., Nov. 17: Central Valley Masters Trios Tournament, squads at 9am & 1pm, AMF Southwest Lanes,
Fri., Nov. 22: Deadline for nominations for PBA Tony Reyes Community Service Award,
Fri.-Sun., Nov. 22-24: TAT/The Morongo Open, Morongo Resort, Palm Springs, 1/844/321-8100,
Sat., Nov. 23: The MOSCA 4-person Mixed Team Tournament, squads at 10am, 1:30pm & 5pm, Yosemite Lanes, Modesto, 209/480-3123
Sun., Nov. 24: San Joaquin Bowling Club Trios, KC Bowl, Hanford, 559/385-8837
Sun., Nov. 24: Scratch 6 Gamer, 12 noon, Yosemite Lanes, Modesto, 209/524-9161
Bowling High Scores for Tues., Nov. 12, 2019
Bowling High Scores from AMF Southwest Lanes
299 – Ray Neubig; 298 – Chuck Grove; 289 – Sam Junyor, Joe Rodriguez; 279 – Phil Cook, Charles Gabriel, Diz Francisco, Jesse DeLaHerran, Zack Newman; 277 – Tim Henson, Zack Long; 269 – Andrew Svoren; 268 – Mark Bess; 267 – Alex Garcia, Kent Gray; 266 – Carlie Medina III; 264 – James Morrow, Glenn Yeoman; 263 – Justin Dean; 262 – Chris Garcia; 259 – Danny Lawrence; 258 – Charles Breeding, Gilbert Alaniz, Bryan Williams, Ron Erickson, Sonny Pollard; 257 – Brian Maurseth, Thomas Stancil, Sean Ambrose; 256 – Zach Camp, Robert Mayo, Darrell Barnes; 255 – Mike Yorba; 254 – Bill Young; 253 – John Lloyd; 248 – Eric Grider, Andy Sanchez; 246 – Mike Maloy, Ely Reyes, Norris Richards, Ronald Nichols, Paul St. Laurent, Mike Carpenter, Adam Sotelo, Billy Weeks; 245 – Russ Tweedy, Greg Hernandez, Bill Dewing; 244 – Mike Hardwick, Harold Salinas, Rick Bowman, Bobby Fildes; 243 – Tom Beckett; 242 – Matt Sanchez, Herman Phillips, Nick Cambia; 241 – Chris Garcia; 239 – Ben Timpog; 237 – Mike Morgan, Mike Bost; 236 – Anthony Larsen, Albert Castellon; 235 – Tyson Holder; 234 – Oscar Batts, Casey Wood, John Gunsolus, Kevin Harris, Richard Thomas; 233 – Doug Heitman, Doc Victor; 232 – CE Ludd; 231 – Jerry Pettiford
Youth Boys:
212 – Nolan Byers; 211 – Ben Regpala; 207 – Tristan Perham; 181 – Deaken Kimbrell; 178 – Gabriel Regpala, Jr.
783 – Zack Newman; 748 – Mark Bess; 739 – Charles Gabriel; 735 – Chuck Grove; 733 – Zack Long; 727 – Charles Breeding; 725 – John Gunsolus; 723 – Sonny Pollard; 716 – Robert Mayo; 710 – Joe Rodriguez; 709 – Jerry Barker; 708 – Diz Francisco; 705 – Carlie Medina III; 702 – Chris Garcia; 701 – Phil Cook; 700 – Alex Garcia
Youth Boys:
596 – Ben Regpala; 585 – Nolan Byers; 567 – Tristan Perham
254 – Sherri Carter; 247 – Stephanie Sanders; 235 – Lenore Espinoza; 234 – Mary Kay Stolting, Danielle Looney; 226 – Lealga Fortson; 225 – Barb Francisco; 223 – Becky Hardwick, Lisa Isbell; 222 – Keri Bost; 218 – Shayla Phillips-McPherson; 214 – Dunisha Wright, Vickie Sarceda, Lorri Howell; 212 – Sherri Aud; 211 – Missy Lara; 202 – Cynthia Carr, Bette Addington, Mylene Gabriel; 201 – Lorene Elijah, Lauren Davin; 200 – Heather Chuman
Youth Girls:
176 – Queona Reyes; 154 – Gabriella Hogan; 145 – Justine Tweedy
696 – Stephanie Sanders; 682 – Sherri Carter; 669 – Barb Francisco; 626 – Becky Hardwick; 616 – Shayla Phillips-McPherson
Youth Girls:
476 – Queona Reyes ; 431 – Justine Tweedy
Bowling Scores from AMF Westchester Lanes
–No High Scores Reported–
Youth Boys:
Youth Boys:
Youth Girls:
Youth Girls:
Bowling Scores from The BLVD!
300 – Chuck Grove; 288 – RJ Richardson; 277 – Chris Gregory, Ranny Wiggins; 269 – Jesse DeLaHerran; 268 – Alex Garcia, Jackson Hering; 267 – Dan Long; 264 – Mike Morgan, Greg Hernandez; 259 – Zack Newman; 258 – Eric Siefert, Mike Hefley; 248 – Matt Sanchez, Aris Anadilla, Bryce Long; 246 – John Curtis, James Cowan, Paul St. Laurent; 245 – Charles Gabriel; 244 – Garry Montoya; 243 – Andrew Svoren; 241 – Doc Victor; 239 – Frank Isbell; 236 – Tim Henson; 235 – Andy Sanchez; 234 – Diz Francisco
752 – Zack Newman; 740 – Dan Long; 720 – RJ Richardson; 718 – Ranny Wiggins; 717 – Chuck Grove; 698 – Greg Hernandez
246 – Stephanie Sanders; 235 – Mylene Gabriel; 218 – Diana Nam; 214 – Joanne Grove; 212 – Danielle Looney
645 – Stephanie Sanders; 588 – Mylene Gabriel
Bowling Scores from Mt. Mesa Lanes
266 – Darrell Dochterman; 265 – Alan Clifton; 259 – Josh Alexander; 258 – Chuck Grove; 252 – Dan Mayfield
Youth Boys High Games:
172 – Ryan Gayman; 156 – Braeden Ege; 154 – Josh Wesala
728 – Darrell Dochterman; 714 – Chuck Grove; 698 – Dan Mayfield; 691 – Alan Clifton
Youth Boys High Series:
445 – Braeden Ege
246 – Jill Putman; 189 – Danelle Gayman; 183 – Chris Mayfield; 180 – Zelma Richardson; 178 – Cindy Anderson, Jessie Hassan
Youth Girls High Games:
124 – Taylor Salmon; 77 – Emery Ege
599 – Jill Putman; 505 – Jessie Hassan; 488 – Patty Andrade, Danelle Gayman; 480 – Chris Mayfield
Youth Girls High Series:
278 – Taylor Salmon
Bowling High Scores from High Desert Lanes/Edwards Air Force Base
–No High Scores Reported–
Tournament Results:
–Coffee Club—SPECIAL NOTE: NO Coffee Club on Sun., Nov. 17. Instead, come bowl the CVM Trios Tournament at AMF Southwest Lanes!–
Sun., Nov. 10, 12 noon
AMF Southwest Lanes
Handicap Doubles: 1. Stephanie Sanders & Mike Bost (1979); 2. Lorene Elijah & Billy Weeks (1868); 3. Tony Moody & Jake Massie (1736); 4. Barb Francisco & Doc Victor (1723).
Handicap Singles: 1. Mike Bost (1061); 2. Lorene Elijah (972); 3. Stephanie Sanders (918); 4. (tie) Billy Weeks & Jake Massie (896).
3-6-9 pot was missed. Carryover now at $720.
Strike Pot was drawn and hit by Norris Richards! Good for $70.
Special thanks to the crew (Norris Richards, LaDonna Helton and the Southwest Staff).
Don’t forget to contact Danielle Looney for your very own Coffee Club t-shirt!!
–Coffee Club—
Sun., Nov. 3, 12 noon—Monthly 9 Pin No Tap
AMF Southwest Lanes
Handicap Doubles: 1. Lynn Bender & Russ Tweedy (2276); 2. Lorene Elijah & Zack Long* (2125); 3. Bill Dewing & Andrew Svoren** (2114).
Handicap Singles: 1. Lynn Bender (1175); 2. Mike Bost (1114); 3. Andrew Svoren (1098); 4. Zack Long (1082).
*Had one 300 mostly all naturals!
**Not one but two 300’s – first one all naturals and then continued on to get 22 naturals in a row with one No Tap at the end for his second 300.
3-6-9 pot was missed. Carryover now at $655.
Strike Pot was drawn by Andrew Svoren and hit. Good for $90.
Thanks to the helpers for making it run smoothly, Momma Fox, Norris Richards and LaDonna Helton. Special shout-out to a couple newbies—Bill Dewing and Scott Collins!
Coffee Club is on Sunday mornings at 12 noon at AMF Southwest Lanes. Cost to enter is $20 for 4 games, blind doubles draw. Optional high pots, singles, and 3-6-9. Handicapped and fun bowling with some great local bowlers! And, once a month, a No-Tap Tournament will be scheduled!!
**Strike Pot is a new game we started. It’s about purchasing raffle tickets for $5 each. During the second game we draw one ticket and that person must bowl a strike for the cash in the pot. If a strike isn’t bowled, then that person gets $10 and the amount is rolled over. If a person misses a week or more and chooses to participate for the total, they must pay $5 per week missed; if not, they only get amount raised that day if their ticket is drawn and they bowl a strike.
GET THEM WHILE THEY LAST!! Danielle Looney has created Coffee Club Tee’s!! She is selling them for $20 each and they are available in a variety of colors. You can also have your name put on them (it can be placed on the front below the logo or on the back across the shoulders) for a total cost of $25. If you would like to sport one of these, send Danielle Looney a message on Facebook and you are set!
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