Bowler of The Year
Bowler of The Year Program Proposal
The above proposal will be voted on at our Annual Membership Meeting on June 22nd, 2019. Please note that the above proposal will not be used in the choosing processes for the 2018-19 Bowler of The Year. The proposed program will go into effect for the 2019-20 Bowler of The Year.
Criteria & Qualifications
1. Candidate must be of good character.
2. Must have bowled in our Association the previous year.
3. Must participate in our Annual City or BVL Tournament.
4. Must have 60+ games in the season to qualify. (Summer averages/scores can be used, but bowler must have enough games in to qualify.)
5. Honor scores achieved throughout the season will be considered.
6. Special considerations can and may be made for Bowler of The Year based on extenuating circumstances.
7. Bowling achievements would be from August 1 of the current year thru July 31 of the following year.
8. Cannot have won Bowler of The Year in the previous year.
9. Award available each year for Adult Male, Adult Female and Youth (male or female).
10. Following Point System to help qualifications.
- 1 point for each sanctioned tournament bowled (10 points max per season)
- 5 points for each sanctioned tournament win (20 points max per season)
- 2 points for bowling in the USBC national tournament
- 2 points for each top 10 place in a sanctioned tournament (10 points max per season)
- 2 points for sanctioned 300 game
- 3 points for sanctioned 800 series (men)
- 1 points for men per sanctioned series over 775
- 1 point for men who book over 200
- 2 points for men who book over 215
- 3 points for men who book over 225
- 4 points for sanctioned 800 series (women)
- 1 point for women per sanctioned series over 650
- 2 point for women per sanctioned series over 700
- 3 points for woman per sanctioned series over 750
- 1 point for women who book over 175
- 2 points for women who book over 190
- 3 points for women who book over 200
- 1 point for an average increase of 10 pins from one year to the next
- 2 points for an average increase of 20 pins from one year to the next
- 3 points for an average increase of 30 pins from one year to the next
- 1 point for attending the GEUSBC awards banquet
- In the event of a point tie, bowler with a higher book average of 60+ games will receive 1 point
- Multi day and or multi format sanctioned tournaments such as city and or nationals that consist of a team, doubles, and singles event:
- 1 point will only be given for the entire tournament. No points will be given to a win in team event and or doubles event as these types of events are not based on individual merit but rather how the team bowls as a whole. The most points a single bowler can achieve at these types of tournaments is 6 points, 1 for bowling the tournament and 5 for winning the singles event. This goes for taking top 10 in the singles event, 1 point for bowling the tournament and 2 points for a top 10 finish in the singles event. All events will not be considers as an event and no points will be awarded.
- A bowler cannot “double dip” and receive extra points based off a tournament win and a top ten (10) place finish. Bowlers will only receive the greater of the points. i.e. 1 point for bowling the tournament and 5 points for a win equaling 6 points, or 1 point for bowling the tournament and 2 points for a top 10 finish equaling 3 points. A bowler will never receive 8 points in a tournament for a win, top 10 finish based on said win, and for bowling the tournament.